SERENITY, the moon princess

In my languages we call him Ptak Ohnivak (the Firebird). In ancient mythology, the symbolism of the majestic Phoenix bird, which is most...

FREYA / the Ice Queen
Once upon a time in cold waters there lived a beautiful queen Freya. She is the Ice Queen of Icelandia and she rules all cold seas and...

Once upon a time, in magical, enchanted depths, in the land of the endless water, there live a girl name Stella. When she was born, her...


Princess Dandelion
Princess Dandelion / Princezna Pampeliška Příběh o princezně, která je nucena se proti své vůli vdát za španělského prince, což odmítá....

Daughters of the Sun
EN "Daughters of the Sun" Every day the sun sets behind the horizon, into the deep ocean, into the magic Waterland. After the whole day...

FLORA / the flower fairy
FLORA When I was a little girl, I imagined that Flora and Fauna are two fairies sisters and they have a control over the nature. Flora is th

Stardust Princess
EN STARDUST PRINCESS Every night we see them in the sky, there are millions of them. STARS. As a child, I imagined, that "some fairy of...

Queen of the fairies Mab and the gate to the Waterland
EN Queen of the fairies Mab and the gate to the Waterland I don't know exactly where to start. This photo has a very long journey. I...

Once Upon a Dream in Waterland This project is officially launching in January 2018, but in my head and drafts on papers started already...